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YOU ARE AN EXPERT~~~ let me show you all of the ways!!
EMBRACE YOUR EXPERTISE is a quick mini-course with 7 of my most popular videos, 3 PDF worksheets and a Report to help you get a QUICK WIN and help you to embrace your expertise so you can start monetizing it. Grab it today for $9!
BONUS: The Brain Board (video is 5 minutes and 12 seconds)
I talk you through each worksheet. These are great samplings of trainings in my other courses and programs to wet your whistle. In my Brave Business School and my Braver Together Mastermind, you get access to all of my courses, workshops and manuals. Apply for that here: BRAVER TOGETHER
Join the Brave Business School here: SCHOOL
But I want you to have a QUICK WIN today.
So just dive into these to get into your own greatness so you can start monetizing. I am here to help!!
When you sign up for this mini-course, it is like an appetizer. A sampling!!
Here is what Denise Mock said: "Before I took this mini-course I was unsure what my expertise might be. After taking this mini- course, I was overwhelmed by how much I knew and had access to. There was a lot of my bookshelf of life that I never realized I had. I so appreciated Diane’s willingness to challenge me to think differently and embrace all the ways I can help women in ministry live out their unique calling and avoid burnout."
Yes, you can get many of these BONUS worksheets and much more in my FREE Brave Women Network Facebook Group. Lots of action in there!
Sign up and get your mini-course videos and worksheets today!
You can grab a voxer week or month or apply for my Braver Together Mastermind where I help action-taking Christian women entrepreneurs as they SCALE their online business so that they can live the BRAVE life they crave.
Let’s dive in and have more FUN!
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